Covid Survivor Card Game – The Infectiously Addicting Card Game!

Get the light hearted, fast playing "COVID" inspired card game! (While Supplies Last)

A virus is sweeping the
world, how will you
win the game?

Covid Survivor card game is loads of card playing & stealing fun! The game combines light hearted humor and strategy for excellent game play action! Do everything you can to fight off the infection and increase your chances of staying alive in the game!

Your only chance of
survival is how you
play the game!

Have you stocked up on toilet paper cards or hand sanitizer cards? Are you wearing proper PPE? Let’s hope so, because your infection can go from minor to fatal in just a few plays!

See the cards and how to play the game: Click Here

Your only chance of survival is how you play the game!

Have you stocked up on toilet paper cards and hand sanitizer cards? Are you wearing proper PPE? Let’s hope so, because your infection can go from minor to fatal in just a few plays!

Be sure to add this game to your collection!

See the cards and how

to play the game: Click Here

We’re giving back in more ways than one!

10% of all net profit is donated to COVID research and hospitals in need of PPE

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Players learn how using hand sanitizer, PPE and social distancing can help you survive in the game!

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10% of all net profit is donated to COVID research and hospitals in need of PPE

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Players learn how using hand sanitizer, PPE and social distancing can help you survive!

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Easy To Learn, Survive To Win!


Roll the dice, Hope that you don’t get infected!


If your roll infected you based on your status card, then you must move up a level... (Unless you respond with a card from your hand such as a Toilet Paper card. You can play a Vaccine card after getting infected during your turn to go back a level - You may use other cards as well that can be used in response to an infected roll)


Draw 2 cards and make up to 3 plays with cards in your hand. When finished, the next player starts!


Last person alive wins the game! Now repeat the game so other players get a chance to win too!

Learn more gameplay strategies and rules for the game: How To Play

Easy To Learn, Fun To Play!


Roll the dice, Hope that you don’t get infected!


If your roll infected you based on your status card, then you must move up a level... (Unless you respond with a card from your hand)


Draw 2 cards and make up to 3 plays with cards in your hand. When finished, the next player starts!


Last person alive wins the game! Now repeat the game so other players get a chance to win too!

Learn more gameplay strategies and rules for the game: How To Play

Featured in the news:

"A game that could imbue a sense of calm while also teaching real-life techniques on how to combat COVID-19"

Read the article: click here

"Demand for the game has been so strong that they are selling out. Just developing the game wasn't enough. They decided that a portion of the proceeds would go to help hospitals purchase personal protective equipment."

Read the article: click here

"COVID Survivor is bringing smiles to people’s faces and at the same time contributes positively to the community."

Read the article: click here


We honor and respect those suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. In no way would we want to make light of the current situation, however we also believe that positively influential humor can help combat many negative psychological effects that this pandemic is causing.  Our game also has the chance to turn the negativity associated with COVID-19 into an experience we all can learn from. Our game was designed in a ‘good-humored’ way that we believe respects those suffering from COVID-19 in every way possible. We hope that our game is perceived as positively as we intended during it’s creation. We created COVID Survivor with the intention to bring fun and joy, instead of the majority of fear being put on display during these times.

We also hope that our game might even subliminally teach others several helpful pandemic protocols that might transfer over to real actions we can take to protect ourselves from any future COVID pandemic, in specific the use of the Hand Sanitizer card when a Cough card is played on someone.  This is something we all should do if someone is coughing around us and it’s true in the game as well!

As you play this card game, you’ll see how it helps hint at the actions we all may need to take in the world we’re now living in. Some gameplay actions such as wearing a N95 Mask, or using hand sanitizer really do reflect actions we were advised to take, while others such as the Toilet Paper card are intended to insert well-meaning humor in a time when we all need it.

In addition to this, we are also donating 10% of all net profit to hospitals in need of PPE and COVID research / COVID infection immunity research. So in closing, yes, we believe if there ever was a time, now would be that time for a game like this. As the COVID situation continues to develop and change, we may need to offer expansion packs or changes to the game, but right now, we believe this is our best foot forward in a way to bring joy and fun during times like these. We know you’ll enjoy the game, if not just return it for a full refund!