COVID Survivor Card Game FAQ – Covid Survivor Card Game

Frequently asked questions

We honor and respect those suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic.  In no way would we want to make light of the current situation, however we also believe that humor can help combat many negative psychological effects that this pandemic is causing.  Our game was designed in a ‘good-humored’ way that we believe respects those suffering from COVID-19.  We hope that our game is perceived as positively as we intended during it’s creation.  We created COVID Survivor with the intention to bring fun and joy, instead of the majority of fear being put on display during these times.

We also hope that our game might even teach others several helpful pandemic protocols that might transfer over to real actions we can take to protect ourselves from any future COVID pandemic, in specific the use of the Hand Sanitizer card when a Cough card is played on someone.

As you play this card game, you’ll see how it helps hint at the actions we all may need to take in the world we’re now living in.  Some gameplay actions such as wearing a N95 Mask, or using hand sanitizer really do reflect actions we were advised to take, while others such as the Toilet Paper card are intended to insert well-meaning humor in a time when we all need it.

In addition to this, we are also donating 10% of all net profit to hospitals in need of PPE and COVID research / COVID infection immunity research. So in closing, yes, we believe if there ever was a time, now would be that time for a game like this. As the COVID situation continues to develop and change, we may need to offer expansion packs or changes to the game, but right now, we believe this is our best foot forward in a way to bring joy and fun during times like these. We know you’ll enjoy the game, if not just return it for a full refund!

This card could be interpreted to mean that a player can keep rolling until they get a satisfactory roll, but this is not the case.  Even N95 Masks don’t keep out all the COVID in real life and it’s the same in the game!

Playing down a N95 Mask card allows one re-roll for any roll, whether that be from a cough, a cheap flight, or the start of the turn.

Activating PPE Powers: PPE cards are played down next to the Infection Status Card for each player and remain active until they are stolen.  PPE must be played down during your turn which counts as 1 of your 3 available plays.  After playing down an N95 Mask card, you now will have 1X re-roll capibility for any roll caused by the start of your turn, a cough, or a cheap flights card.  You can have up to 2 PPE cards played down next to your Infection Status Card.  If you have 2 N95 Mask cards this would make you eligible for 2X re-rolls.  More chances to roll the number you need!

This card is to be played by rolling first, combating the roll with what is in your hand, and then drawing. The four cards that are drawn are not to be used on the roll.

We’ll be publishing our giving stats soon on custom page, stay tuned!  If you have an idea of where we should send our 10% donation, please contact us and we will consider your ideas.  We’re currently focusing on PPE for hospitals and COVID research or prevention and COVID immunity research.

We also have around $200 in masks we will be donating in June, 2020.  More donations will continue after that.  Thanks you so much for your support!

Have more questions?

Whether you have a question about our game, want to get our game in your store, or just want to talk, we want to hear from you.
Contact us.