How To Play COVID Survivor – Rules – Covid Survivor Card Game

COVID Survivor Game Rules!

How To Play: COVID Survivor Card Game

Have a question or need clarification about the COVID Survivor game? Please check our guide below and also see our FAQs page. If you still have ANY questions, please let us know!


How To Start Playing!

Setting Up The Game
  • Give each player an infection status card and red virus token to track their infection status.  
  • Give each player a quick start guide card for easy reference.
  • Shuffle the deck and deal 5 cards to each player.
  • Put the remainder of cards down to form a draw pile.
  • Each player can look at their own cards.
  • Each player places the included token on “healthy start” on their infection status card.
  • The player to the left of the dealer starts the game.
What To Do On Your Turn
  • First, roll the dice to start your turn!
  • Check the dice number with your status card and move up a level if required.
  • Next, draw 2 cards and put them in your hand.
  • If you draw a COVID Virus card, you immediately go up an infection level, unless you have something to combat it!
  • Now perform up to 3 plays with cards from your hand.
  • When you’re finished, hand the die to the next player for their turn!
Follow The Rules
  • PPE cards are played down next to your infection status card and are kept as protection against certain rolls until they are stolen, or replaced by the player.
  • Players can “wear” a MAX of 2 PPE cards at one time. If a player wants to use another PPE card from their hand or steal one from another player, they must discard one of their PPE already played down and replace it with the desired PPE card. (Please read more about PPE cards in the individual card explanation section)
  • Keep at MOST 8 cards in your hand at the end of your turn.  If you end up with more than 8 cards, that’s fine, but you’ll need to discard down to 8 cards before the next player rolls.
  • Responses played to your first dice roll in your turn will count towards a play for each as discussed within the individual card explanation.
  • If you are dealt a COVID card in your hand at the beginning of the game, you may swap it out for another card before beginning, OR you may play it on another player within the first round.  You can’t keep this card for later if you choose to keep it.  It must be played in the first round.
Winning The Game
  • Keep playing the game until one player remains.  The last man standing wins the game!  If you won, you’ve likely learned how to use hand sanitizer regularly and experienced the importance of using proper PPE and even social distancing activities!
Still got any questions?
  • Please read the description and explanation of each card on this page and also check outr FAQs page.  If you still have qustions, please contact us.

Action Cards:

The Cough Card

The Cough Card is used to make another player of your choice roll. When played, the person coughed (in the game) can either use a Hand Sanitizer to cancel this action or they can roll.  If they roll, they can use Essential Oils or a Mask to re-roll or they can use Toilet Paper or three matching Social Distancing Cards cards to block a bad roll. This card costs one play out of your 3.

Hand Sanitizer Card

This card can be used for blocking actions played against you by other players. This includes Coughs, Doctors, Nurses, and S.D.A. cards. Also, this card can be used to block another Hand Sanitizer. For example, if a player uses a Nurse and it is blocked with a Hand Sanitizer, they may block the Hand Sanitizer. Playing this card to block a Hand Sanitizer, does cost one play.  Also, if you choose to use Hand Sanitizer to block someone who played a cough card on you, this doesn’t count towards any of your 3 card plays, because it’s not happing during your own turn.

Toilet Paper Card

This card prevents infection. If a player rolls an infected roll or draws a COVID Virus, this card may be played to block it. This has to be done immediately for it to have effect though, for example, if a player rolls an infected roll at the beginning of their turn, they need to play this card before drawing their two cards. Playing this to block a COVID Virus does take one play.

Essential Oils Card

This card can be played to re-roll an infected roll once. It can be played any time a player rolls, whether for their turn or for a Cough. This card must be played immediately for it to have effect though, for example, if a player rolls an infected roll at the beginning of their turn, they need to play this card before drawing their two cards. This card costs one play when played within a player’s turn.

The Introvert Card

This card allows a player to skip rolling for their turn. It does not prevent drawing and playing though. It gets played before drawing in the place of rolling. Using this card at the begening of your turn costs one play.  You cannot use this card to skip rolling from a caugh card played on you.

Stimulus Check Card

This card can be played in exchange for two cards from the draw pile. This card costs one play. Remember, you can’t have more than 8 cards in your hand at one time. You may need to discard at the end of your turn so you have no more than 8 cards if drawing these 2 cards puts you over the 8 max card hold limit.

Cheap Flights Card

This card is used to get four cards. Play this card and you’ll roll the die and then use the cards you have in your hand to react if it is infected THEN draw four cards! The cards drawn with this card may not be used to block an infected roll from this card. This card costs one play.

The Nurse Card

Use this card to request a specific card from another player’s hand. If they do not have it, draw one card from the pile.  For example: 
Player One—”I would like a Toilet Paper from Player Three.”  
Player Three—”Nope, I don’t have it. Get lucky!”
Player One—*Draws card from deck*  
You can’t lie about not having a card that you actually have! This card costs one play.  

The Doctor Card

Use this card to take a visible PPE card that a player has placed down and then shuffle the discard pile into the deck. If a player blocks this, the deck still gets shuffled. If this card is used to steal a PPE card from someone while holding 2 PPE cards played down already, then one of the currently played down PPE cards must be discarded. For example, if a player has a Mask and Gloves and they play The Doctor to take another Mask, they must discard either their Mask or Gloves. This card costs one play. Players can hold or ‘wear’ a maximum of 2 PPE down next to their status card at one time.

Social Distancing Cards

These cards are only effective in groups. Play two matching cards to take any card from another player. Two of these can take a PPE from the playing surface (PEE played down by other players by their Status Card) OR a card drawn randomly from another players hand. Play three matching cards to prevent a COVID Virus or an infected roll like a Toilet Paper. Play five NON-matching cards to request all of one type of card. For example, play five and request Toilet Paper. All players must then give all Toilet Paper in their hand to that player. Playing these cards together only uses one play. 

Vaccine Cards

This card is the only way to reduce one’s level of infection in the game. It can be played during a player’s turn to reduce their infection by one level. It cannot be played out of turn to prevent increasing passed Fatal infection. You cannot use this card to react to a COVID Virus card.  It must be played during your turn and is counted as one play.

PPE Cards:

N95 MASK Cards

This card is a power-up and gives you re-roll ability.  After being played down, it allows a player to reroll once if a roll was unsatisfactory. To be active, you must “put it on” by placing it beside your infection status card during your turn. Placing this card takes one play but using its power does not. For example, if a player is Coughed on, they may reroll once if their roll was infected. If a player has two Masks on, they can reroll twice. If a player uses an Essential Oil card to re-roll again, this card does not allow another roll.  This card remains active and usable until stolen by another player.  If you have 2 PPE cards already in use and wish to replace one from a PPE kept in your hand, or from a card stolen from another player, you must discard one. You can only keep a maximum of 2 PPE cards down next to your status card.

Roll Protection Glove Cards

This card is a power-up and gives you specific roll protection. It allows a player an additional safe number. To be active, you must “put it on” by placing it beside your infection status card during your turn. Placing this card takes one play but using its power does not. For example, if a player has the 4 Gloves, every time they roll a four, they are safe, even if they are infected passed Severe. If you have 2 PPE cards already in use and wish to replace one from a PPE kept in your hand, or from a card stolen from another player, you must discard one. You can only keep a maximum of 2 PPE cards down next to your status card.

Immediate Action:

COVID Virus Cards

The COVID Virus card is one of the ways to get infected. If they are drawn, they must be immediately played or reacted to. They may not be held in the hand. The only way to block a COVID Virus card is with Toilet Paper or three S.D.A. cards. When you draw this card it doesn’t cost you any plays, however if you respond to it with another card(s) from your hand, this will count as a play. If a player is dealt a COVID Virus card in their initial five cards, they may keep it to play on any player on their first play before drawing, or they may exchange it for another card before the game begins. When someone draws the COVID card and doesn’t have a card to combat it, they are immediately infected up 1 level.

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